Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Simpsons Vs. Family Guy

Simpsons Vs. Family Guy - not that funny, but true.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, and The Simpsons has absconded gags and concepts from The Flintstones, All in the Family, The Honeymooners, The Marx Brothers, Buster Keaton, vaudville, and any number of other outside sources. This doesn't make it any less funny or make the writing any less brilliant. Shakespeare stole ideas from Plutarch, Holinshed, and Marlowe. That's what art does.

6:25 AM  
Blogger sir spikes-a-lot said...

agreed, there's no fine line between being influenced and ripping someone off, but when the basic premise is near-identical (cartoon about a middle-class american family in a non-discript suburb with a dumb alcoholic dad, a frustrated mother, awkaward eldest son, ignored middle daughter, a dog and a baby - except this time the latter 2 talk), and then jokes are lifted, without any credit being paid or self-awareness, it's a bit much.

11:32 AM  

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