Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The GoogleWack

(this has been going on for a while, keep forgetting to post it.) a GoogleWack is an attempt to find a google search containing only two words (both must be spelled correctly, in a major dictionary, and the search can contain no quotes) that returns only one result. the results are a bizzare string of non-sequitors, almost all of which are great bandname fodder. also, the posting of a GoogleWack often is self-defeating (several have gone from 1 hit to over a hundred in a few weeks, thanks primarily to blogs referencing them), requiring new ones to be found. after several attempts at discovering my own, i'm feeling a little defeated. i mean, who'd think that "christ squeegee" would return over 20k hits?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i can't believe i kept getting so many results for things like:
antonomasia haruspication (58)
moribund autonomasia (33)
apolaustic kyphosis (29)
apodictical turgidity (8)
anthropophagic ululation (6)
not to mention all the obscure pairings that came back with hundreds of hits.

8:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oo! I found one! But it doesn't comply to rule #3 - result can't be a wordlist. Damn. It was anthropophagic zucchettos.

8:47 PM  
Blogger sir spikes-a-lot said...

check back on that last one in a day or two; once a google-bot hits this page, you may have your one result. ;)

2:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the wordlist will still be there and then I'll have two results.

6:30 AM  
Blogger sir spikes-a-lot said...

the word list doesn't count.

1:11 PM  
Blogger sir spikes-a-lot said...

NOW it's a googlewack. congrats. ;)

1:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10:52 AM  

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