Wednesday, October 10, 2007

peanut butter jelly time!

inspired by monday night's conversation, here's a web history lesson on the origins of the peanut butter jelly time song. 1. the dancing banana: an old ('99ish) messageboard emoticon. 2. "peanut butter jelly time": a single released in 2001 by The Buckwheat Boyz (obscure florida-based 5 member rap group. 1997-2001). the combination thereof: an internet phemon that exploded in 2002 when Ryan Gancenia Etrata shoddily stitched 'em together. this has been ripped off, spun, and referenced to death. probably most notably by family guy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

While I still don't think I thoroughly understand, at least I'm now one step closer to obtaining that understanding. Oh, and fox took down that family guy clip from youtube already. But here's one they haven't gotten yet:

7:16 PM  
Blogger sir spikes-a-lot said...

that one's dead already too.

1:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And now that one's dead. There's just no keeping up, is there?

11:14 PM  

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