(I'm just gonna lump this all into one post)
in case you're living in a cave, another rapid-fire internet meme has sprung up arond Ted Stevens' comments on internet and net neutraility; this has inspired 2 technoremixes (amoung other videos and over a hundredYTMNDpages [in case you're drunk and bored (like me)]), heckeling from thedailyshow, quiteabitofblogactivity, and a facebook group, among much more i'm sure.
(Ted has firmly aligned himself against net neutraility, and i think everyone who's opposed to this concept stands to profit from it directly.)
Annie and I like this one (though we're not sure why the domain is named as such):
yeah, the music totally makes it.
i didn't think anyone was actually gonna go through those links. :)
I like that you linked each letter separately. I couldn't resist.
i wanted to put so many in the post, i couldn't think of any other way to do it without making it a multi-page sorta post.
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