Thursday, May 14, 2009

Request for Excuse from Jury Service

(Click for larger.)

According to the article on Lowering The Bar, the guy was summoned to court for this, where he apologized, and he not only wasn't penalized, he was dismissed from jury duty.

it worked.

EDIT: Apparently Stephen Colbert weighed in on this as well.

1 comment:

  1. "Apparently you morons didn't understand me the first time. I CANNOT take time off from work. I'm not putting my family's wellbeing at stake to participate in this crap. I don't believe in our "justice" system and I don't want to have a goddam thing to do with it. Jury service is a complete waste of time. I would rather count the wrinkles on my dog's balls than sit on a jury. Get it through your thick skulls. Leave me the F__K (sic) alone."
